Lawson Fairbank 7th June, 2005
Statistics have revealed that building new homes being built on brownfield land is at an all time high.
With developers snapping up inner city brownfield sites, 67% of all new homes are built on previously developed land at a density of 44 dwellings per hectare.
An increase in the number of people wanting to step onto the property ladder has prompted a rise in the number of flats being built contributing to an increase in housing density. Up 5 more dwellings per hectare from 2003, the density of new homes development has increased nationally to 39dph.
Minister for planning and housing Yvette Cooper said: "This shows it is possible to build more homes and protect the countryside at the same time. We always said we needed to make better use of existing developed land to build the homes families need. These figures show we are doing exactly this."
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