Land can be put to many uses, below are just a few examples of what land may be commonly used for.
A shortage of residential land has caused land prices to increase 8-fold over the last 20 years (source: Finance Search).
Grazing land is a common use for land but it's not always as simple as buying land with some grass.
Around 10% of all new homes built in the UK annually are self-build homes but land for building on is a major hurdle to overcome.
Thanks to high demand from horse owners, pony paddocks are amongst the most expensive grazing land per acre.
The ALC (Agricultural Land Classification) System is a grading framework which was first developed by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1966
Woodlands for sale have long provided havens away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Farmland values have increased by 7.4% in the last 9 months
Farmland values to rise again in 2012
Farmland prices increase by 16% in the last year
Farmland values rose by 5.4% in the first quarter of 2010
Agricultural land key part of investment plans
Why this man chose farms over funds
UK house building hits lowest since 1946